
重要的! An MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) Immunization Form is required for ALL students who attend Southeast Technical College. 

下载MMR表格 将MMR表格发送到招生处

South Dakota legislation requires any student born after 1957 entering a post-secondary education institution in South Dakota for the first time shall present certification from a licensed physician that the student has received or is in the process of receiving the required two doses of 免疫接种 against 麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹(MMR) or has the presence of an immune antibody titer against MMR. 学生 who fail to provide the required, signed proof of 免疫接种, or file an exemption for religious or medical reasons, within 45 days from the beginning of the semester shall not be permitted to continue to attend classes until in compliance.

All Southeast Tech students are required to provide proof of two properly administered MMR 免疫接种s. 学生 completing coursework entirely online are not required to provide 免疫接种 文档. The South Dakota Department of Health also recommends 免疫接种s for tetanus, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, varicella and meningitis, as well as a tuberculin test for all students, although these 免疫接种s are not required.

Exemptions to the MMR requirement will be considered if there is a medical contraindication 或者宗教豁免. 这两个 医疗和宗教豁免 forms must be completed on myTech.



学生 enrolled in 医疗保健 程序s are required to provide proof of 免疫接种 治疗以下疾病:

  • 结核病
  • 麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹(MMR)
  • 水痘(水痘)
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap)
  • 乙型肝炎(乙肝)
  • 流感疫苗接种
  • 新型冠状病毒肺炎 (Not required for Medical Billing and Coding, Dental Assisting or Emergency 医疗技术员课程)
  • 身体(过去一年内)
  • 健康保险卡(复印件)
  • CPR - American Heart Association Basic Life 支持

Please see additional details for each 免疫接种 requirement on the 体能及免疫表格. All fees associated with obtaining appropriate records or bloodwork necessary to prove immunity are at the student’s expense.




兽医技术员 students are required to provide proof of 免疫接种 for the 下列疾病:

  • Tetanus: A current Tetanus toxoid within the last seven (7) years. 如果一个学生 vaccine expires while in the 程序, it is the student’s responsibility to get a 升压.
  • Rabies Vaccine Required: To align with American Veterinary Medical Association requirements, all students accepted into Southeast Tech’s 兽医技术员 程序 must be vaccinated against rabies. The college will cover the cost of your rabies vaccine, and the first shot will be administered in the fall semester after classes start. The rabies pre-exposure vaccination consists of two (2) doses of inactivated rabies vaccine administered intramuscularly in the deltoid regions on days 0 and 7 for vaccination. Once the date is determined, no make-up dates will be scheduled. 如果你错过了其中一个 the shot clinics, you will be responsible for covering the cost of your rabies vaccination. If you refuse to be vaccinated against rabies, you cannot persist in the Vet Tech 程序. Also, STC will not reimburse you if you choose to get the rabies vaccination 独自一人.

See additional details in the 兽医技术员 Handbook

How to Submit 医疗保健 and 兽医技术员 免疫接种

  1. 下载表格

    For 医疗保健 students, download the 体能及免疫表格. (Medical Coding students are exempt from this requirement.)

  2. 电子邮件形式

    将填妥的表格电邮至 健康.records@athletebody.net.